Making the Music Our Own

Make the Music Our OwnMaking The Music Our Own: The Heritage Ensemble Interprets Melodies from the Hebraic Songbook

A compilation of nine Hebraic melodies recast in various jazz styles arranged by Eugene Marlow.  (MEII Enterprises © 2006)




  1. V’Taher Lebeinu/Yis M’Chu (“Purify our hearts to serve you in truth/Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice”) 7:40 [wpaudio url=”/mp3/VTaherLebeinu.mp3″ text=”Play Sample” dl=”0″]
  2. L’Cha Dodi (“Beloved, come to meet Shabbat”) 4:17 [wpaudio url=”/mp3/LChaDodi.mp3″ text=”Play Sample” dl=”0″]
  3. Halleluyah (“Praise the Lord”) 4:17 [wpaudio url=”/mp3/Halleluyah.mp3″ text=”Play Sample” dl=”0″]
  4. Bilbililos (“Rock from whose store we have eaten. . .”) 6:30 [wpaudio url=”/mp3/Bilbililos.mp3″ text=”Play Sample” dl=”0″]
  5. Hatikva (“The Hope”) 6:37 [wpaudio url=”/mp3/Hatikva.mp3″ text=”Play Sample” dl=”0″]
  6. Heiveinu Shalom Aleichem (“Peace unto you”) 2:51 [wpaudio url=”/mp3/Heritage%20Ensemble-1%20Heiveinu%20Shalom%20Aleichem.mp3″ text=”Play Sample” dl=”0″]
  7. Avinu Malkeinu (“Hear our voice”) 4:39 [wpaudio url=”/mp3/Heritage%20Ensemble-2%20Avinu%20Malkeinu.mp3″ text=”Play Sample” dl=”0″]
  8. Ata Hu Hashem (“You are the Lord, Our God”) 4:23 [wpaudio url=”/mp3/Heritage%20Ensemble-3%20Ata%20Hu%20Hashem.mp3″ text=”Play Sample” dl=”0″]
  9. Hinei Ma Tov (“Behold how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity”) 3:27 [wpaudio url=”/mp3/HineiMaTov.mp3″ text=”Play Sample” dl=”0″]


All tracks: Eugene Marlow, piano.
Tracks 6-9: Norm Lotz (bass); Gary Schwartzman (guitar); Darmon Meader (soprano/tenor saxophone); Barry Altschul (drums).

All Arrangements by Eugene Marlow
Tracks 1-5 recorded at Avalon (New York City) in 1986
Tracks 6-9 recorded at Ear to the Ave. (New York City) in 1995
Mastered at Onomatopoeia (New York City) 2005; Ken Takeuchi, Engineer

Reviews of “Making the Music Our Own”

“Gene Marlow’s ‘Making the Music Our Own’ is a remarkable musical achievement– traditional liturgical melodies meet up with a contemporary jazz sensibility, and are rediscovered in a new musical and spiritual light!”
— Isaiah Sheffer, Artistic Director, Symphony Space, New York City

“Eugene Marlow gives a fresh and contemporary flair to some of the most beloved songs and prayers of the Jewish people.”
— Hadassah Markson, Former Music Director, 92nd Street Y, President, Center for Contemporary Opera

“Gene Marlow’s jazz renditions let us hear traditional Hebrew melodies in stirring new ways. I loved it. I just loved it!” 
— Marilyn Kleinberg Neimark, Co-Host and Co-Producer “Beyond The Pale: The Progressive Jewish Radio Hour” ,WBAI (New York City)

“Your remarkable ingenuity in resetting very familiar Hebraic melodies into concert-jazz settings inspires a sense of renewed commitment to our Jewish heritage, and reminds us that we are a surviving people precisely because of our abilities to adapt to new realms and bring our unique culture and philosophies always into the present.” 
Charles M. Mirotznik, Esq., former President, Dance Library of Israel

Copyright 2005 MEII Enterprises/BMI

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