Marlow Has Music & Journalism in His DNA

The article Marlow Has Music & Journalism in His DNA is drawn from a podcast interview Dr. Eugene Marlow gave on “College Talk”—a weekly video program exploring the lives and work of the people of The Weissman School of Arts & Sciences at Baruch College. Marlow has been a professor at Baruch since 1988.... keep reading »

“Obrigado Brasil!” Latest Heritage Ensemble CD Released 9-21-16

"Obrigado Brasil!" Eugene Marlow's Heritage Ensemble

Swinging Brazilian-based works are on the original order of the day here. Solid work that highlights the musical trail from New York to the tropics, the gang really tears it up here on a smoking set that gets any party started in fine style. With a real feel for the mode at hand, Marlow and the gang are in touch with their inner tropicalistas and make you believe.

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“Nada in Hamburg with Johannes Brahms” to be Released on May 7, 2016, Brahms’ 183rd Birthday

Nada in Hamburg with Johannes BrahmsNew York, NY:  MEII Enterprises is proud to announce the forthcoming release of “Nada in Hamburg with Johannes Brahms” featuring Nada Loutfi, piano soloist, radio broadcaster, and educator. The 10-track album consists of prolific German composer Johannes Brahms’ (1833-1897) earliest works.

May 7, 2016 is Brahms’ 183rd Birthday celebration.

Of the five works on the album, three
are chorales for piano. ... keep reading »

“Zikkaron/Kristallnacht” Remembrance of Kristallnacht November 9-10, 1938

Zikkaron/Kristallnacht Remembrance of Kristallnacht DVD by Eugene MarlowThe Marlowsphere Blog (#131)

Seventy-seven years ago Ernst Eduard vom Rath (3 June 1909 – 9 November 1938), a German diplomat, was assassinated in Paris in early November 1938 by a Jewish teenager, Herschel Grynszpan. This became the pretext for “Kristallnacht,” the “Night of Broken Glass” on November 9-10, 1938 by the Nazis.... keep reading »

“Changes” New Heritage Ensemble CD Released September 23, 2015

"Changes" New CD from Eugene Marlow's Heritage Ensemble to release 9-23-15Review by Chris Spector of the Midwest Record

Changes:  An appropriate title since
Marlow is at his least ethnic here and
has Bobby Sanabria on board to bring
the Latin as well.  Showing humor and
a full range of jazzbo tricks, this
sprightly set that even includes a sly
tribute to “Peanuts” will open jazzbo ears
that might have passed Marlow and crew
over in the past. 
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